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 1. Discovery Institute  Abuses of Power in Science: An Interview With Darwin Skeptic David Berlinski  Intelligent Design The Future 
 2. intelligentdesign  Darwin Doubter: An Interview with Dr. Lyle Jensen, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Part Five)  Intelligent Design The Future 
 3. The Rev. Rob Hardies - December 7, 2003  Power - Its Uses and Abuses  All Souls Church, Unitarian - Washington, DC 
 4. The Rev. Rob Hardies - December 7, 2003  Power - Its Uses and Abuses  All Souls Church, Unitarian - Washington, DC 
 5. David Kohn  PRI's The World, Science: Happy Birthday Charles Darwin!  PRI's The World: Science from BBC/PRI/WGBH 
 6. Todd Wilken  Soundbite 1 - Dr. David Adams on “How High Is Darwin's Body-Count?”  Issues, Etc. 
 7. Dr. George Johnson, Washington University  Darwin Day: Darwin confronts intelligent design  Ethical Society of St. Louis 
 8. Dr. George Johnson, Washington University  Darwin Day: Darwin confronts intelligent design  Ethical Society of St. Louis 
 9. Shy FX & T Power feat. David Boomah  Shy FX & T Power feat. David B  Diary Of A Digital Soundboy 
 10. Funnybook Babylon  Featuring the Peerless Power of David Brothers  Funnybookbabylon.com 
 11. Matthew Chapman  Guest: Matthew Chapman, Author, Filmmaker & Darwin's Great-great Grandson & Updates on FFRF's "Praise Darwin" Billboard  Freethought Radio 
 12. Dr Chris Smith / The Naked Scientists  Naked Scientists 06.07.16 - The Science of the Sun, Sun Tanning, Nuclear Fusion and Fission Power  The Naked Scientists Radio Show 
 13. Gerard van Warmerdam  Interview-David  www.PathwayToHappiness.com 
 14. Dreamland  David Ray Griffin Interview  June 18, 2005 
 15. Dreamland  David Ray Griffin Interview  June 14, 2008 
 16. Jason Bermas & Dylan Avery  David Ray Griffin Interview  February 26, 2007 
 17. Sean Gregory  David Stern interview   
 18. Expert Witness Radio  David Ray Griffin Interview  March 14, 2005 
 19. The Alex Jones Show  David Ray Griffin Interview  June 20, 2005 
 20. George Brett  An Interview wit David Walker  EDUCAUSE Interviews 
 21. The Alex Jones Show  David Ray Griffin Interview  May 4, 2005 
 22. Dreamland  David Ray Griffin Interview  June 23, 2007 
 23. Russell Johnson - Connected Traveler  Interview With Dr. David Suzuki   
 24. The Alex Jones Show  David Ray Griffin Interview  July 20, 2005 
 25. David H Bell  David H Bell Interview  Talk Theatre In Chicago 
 26. David Bohm  Interview of David Bohm   
 27. Cell Press  An interview with Dr. David Allis  Cell PaperClips 
 28. Radio Liberty  David Kirby Interview  September 1, 2005 
 29. Radio Liberty  Dr. David Kennedy Interview  November 20, 2006 
 30. Radio Liberty  David Kirby Interview  September 19, 2005 
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